
Spikey™ Trainers

Certified Spikey Instructors Worldwide

We offer seminars and courses for Spikey System™ certification worldwide. We have Spikey System™ certified instructors and dealers in the USA, Israel, Africa, Japan, Germany, Belgium, France, and more. Below you will find a partial list of many such instructors, who were personally certified by sifu Sapir Tal:


 Oscar Lopes - Filipino martial artsLakan Oscar Lopes:
Oscar Lopes is a Senior Instructor of Filipino martial arts (Punong Taga Pagturo), based on the rank of 3rd degree black belt (Lakan/Dayang Tatlo) in American Modern Arnis Associates. Sifu Lopes is universally recognized in the AMAA for his dedication to excellence and contributions to the growth and development of American Modern Arnis.



Eyal Goldstein - martial artist - spikey instructorEyal Goldstein:
Eyal Goldstein is a counter-terrorism specialist and martial artist. He holds the rank of 2nd dan in Aiki-JuJutsu. Former soldier and reserve member of IDF counter-terrorism squads. He is also an active instructor of personal bodyguards.




Rani Sheleg - Krav Maga instructorRani Sheleg:
Rani Sheleg has done instruction for organizations such as the Israeli police, security officers of the Israel Railways, the Israeli Internal Affairs office and the Italian Paratroopers. Rani also instructed European police officers in Krav Maga, crisis-intervention, guerrilla warfare, light weapons and entry methods. He has experience as an instructor in the IDF’s anti-terror school. Rani regularly trains in Kyudo, Kobudo, Mui Thai, Judo and Krav Maga.



Shani Liron - Shotokan Karate - IDF Self-defense instructor

 Shani Liron:
Holds a high rank in Shotokan Karate-Do. Self-defense instructor for men and women in the IDF. Earned a B.Ed in Physical Education and movement, specializing in posture. Instructor specialties: Gym, Aerobic-kickboxing, Body Development and Ergonomic programming.



Ryusuke Tsuchie - martial arts

 Ryusuke Tsuchie:
Over 9 years of Japanese military Service, 5 of which in SOF units. Speciality areas are CQB tactics, maritime & inland security, threat assessment, VIP close protection & marksmanship. Ryu has 17 years of experience in martial arts, and holds multiple black belts in Aikido, Karate, Nihon-Kenpo, Judo and Russian Systema, in which he also serves as a non-civilian training coordinator and representative in Japan.


Master Juri Fleischmann - spikey instructor

Juri Fleischmann:
Master Juri Fleischmann has a martial art background of over 30 years. Started his training in Korean Taekwondo at the age of 11, he attained 2nd dan black belt in this style. His training later continued in Sin Moo Hapkido (which he studied directly from its founder) and Wing Chun Kung Fu as his main styles. He is also quite versed in Japanese, Philipino and other combat systems. He is directly representative of Dojunim (Founder) of Sin Moo Hapkido, Ji Han Jae (USA) for Germany and holds a 6th Dan black belt in that art. He is representative of Wing Chun Kung Fu (Lee Shing Family System) under Sifu Austin Goh (GB) for Germany. He holds a 5th degree Instructor level in this style (Sifu). In 1998 he founded his own martial art school to teach his styles professionally. He has also taught many seminars around the world since than. Master Juri is a specialist in teaching law enforcement officers and bodyguards.


Micha Zeira - black belt Chinese Boxing - spikey Instructor Micha (Mick) Zeira 衛祥 : 
3rd degree black belt Chinese Boxing (San Da ) by the Chinese Combat Association (Taiwan).  Certified  San Da Coach by the Shanghai Physical Education Institute (China).  Eight Step Praying Mantis 4th generation instructor under master Tso Hsien Fu (Taiwan).  Long fist Praying Mantis instructor level ”c” under master Gao Dao Shen (Taiwan).  Referee in the Chinese Boxing (San Da ) Combat Association (Taiwan).  K-1 assistant referee.  Part of the team that  revised the infantry un-armed combat manual for the Taiwanese army.  Assistant coach for the Taiwan National Thai Boxing team. Coach for the National Taipei University  San Da self-defense club. Former San da  full-contact competitor. Has been teaching his martial arts for many years.


Stéphane Denis - Teaching  self defense - Specialized in Krav Maga

Stéphane Denis:

Born 1969. Has served as a soldier for 24 years. Graduate of Royal Military Institute of Physical Education and Sports (I.R.M.E.P.). Attained a Masters Degree in Physical Training and Sports (1996). Was tasked by Belgian Army Headquarters to research new close-combat methods. Holds the certificate of ‘Lifeguard of the Highest degree’. Completed a Special Forces Combative Course (USA). In 2001, created the I.M.A.D.S.  System (Teaching  self defense for military & civilians). Over 25 years of experience in Martial Arts. Specialized in Krav Maga since 16 Years (Certified Wingate Institute) and Instructor Spikey certified by sifu Sapir Tal.



Marc Halleck:
281 Peterson Rd Libertyville illinois, 60048 U.S.A
847-573- 1672  /  847-366- 7359 |  kaliman33@aol.com  |  www.nsama.com
Senior Associate Level 2 Instructor under Guro Dan Inosanto in Jun Fan-Jeet Kune Do. Senior Associate Level 2 Instructor under Guro Dan Inosanto in Filipino Kali. Instructor Level 2 under Guro Rick Faye in Filipino Kali/Jun Fan-Jeet Kune Do. Associate Instructor Level 2 under Guro Ron Balicki and Diane Inosanto in Kali. Associate instructor Level 2 Instructor under Guro Ron Balicki and Diane Inosanto in Jun Fan. Successor: Eskrimador Atillo Balintawak under Legendary Grandmaster Atillo. Author: ‘The 10 Levels of Panantukan-Silat Combatives’ Instructional Series. Midwest Representative and Certified Spikey Israeli Defense Instructor. Member of The International Law Enforcement Educator Trainers Association. 1998 World Eskrima Kali-Arnis Federation Mid-Western Regionals- 1st place. 1998 World Eskrima Kali-Arnis Federation Mid-Western Nationals- 2nd place. 6th Degree Black Belt in Hand to Hand Combat under Guro Hock Hochheim. 6th Degree Black Belt in Archipelago Combatives under Guro Hock Hochheim. 3rd Degree Black Belt from Degerberg Academy International. 2nd Degree Black Belt in American Bu Kyoku Ryu Karate. 1st Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do. Master Knife Instructor under Guro Hock Hochheim. 


Amir Deleon:
281 peterson Rd, Libertyville, 60048 , IL, USA
847-573- 1672  |  www.nsama.com
2nd Degree Black Belt under Guro Marc Halleck. Instructor program under Guro Dan Inosanto. Intermediate level 3 under Guro Ron Balicki. Disciple of Grandmaster Atillo. Spikey System certified instructor under Sifu Sapir Tal.


Jeff Morris:
281 Peterson Rd Libertyville, 60048, IL, USA
847-573- 1672   |   www.nsama.com
Retired from the US Navy: RM1 Communications Tech / Special Warfare Communications. Navy Leadership Management Instructor – IMET – International Military Education and Training. Served in operation Desert Storm, as well as in the Philippines, Guam, San Diego, Glenview, Rhode Island and Chicago. 2nd Degree Black Belt in Jun Fan – Kali under Guro Marc Halleck. 2nd Degree Black Belt in Hand to Hand combat under Guro Hock Hochheim. Assistant instructor  in the Spikey System under Sifu sapir Tal. Student of Legendary Guro Dan Inosanto. Student of Legendary Grandmaster Atillo. Student of Guro Ron Balicki. Student of Guro Rick Faye.


Rich and Ida Tse:
281 Peterson Rd Libertyville, 60048, IL, USA
Spikey-certified instructors under sifu Sapir Tal. Students of Guro Marc Halleck. Training under Ron Balicki. Training under GM Atillo. Training under Sifu Rick Faye.


 Sifu Sapir Tal with some of the many Spikey-certified instructors: